Game Under Episode 25

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0:00:18 No Time for Trademark Banter, It's a BIG SHOW

Final Thoughts
0:02:00 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
0:16:30 The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief

First Impressions
0:39:10 Saints Row 4
0:53:25 Saints Row 2
1:29:25 Grand Theft Auto 5

News (1:53:00 - 2:36:45)
GTAV Critical Response 
GTAV Commercial Reception 
Hotline Miami Article 
SEGA Buys Atlus 
Yamauchi Dead 
Wind Waker Critical Response 
Aussie Takeover of EA 

2:36:45 What Makes and Open World Game?

Tom Towers Aural Review
2:45:40 Mafia II