Tom Towers and Phil Fogg break from their monthly podcasting schedule go over the week's news and anything else gaming related in their lives.
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3:29 Nintendo Skipping Keynote at E3 2013 (Nintendo too Embarassed)
11:20 EA Shuts Down EA Partners
22:51 XCOM Shooter is Alive and Has a New Name
27:55 HOTD iOS
31:05 Durango Details Coming May 21 (Microsoft to Anger Millions)
35:35 Shinji Mikami's New Game
43:33 Dragon's Crown Controversy
51:59 Thomas Was Alone Might Come to 360
54:50 Tom Goes There (points out how Killzone is better than Call of Duty)1:21:21 The Tiny Yakuza Section of Tom's 28 minute Killzone Feature
Final Thoughts (Games we finished this week)
1:23:40 Spec Ops: The Line (Multiplayer Impressions)
1:32:33 Serious Sam 3 (Phil Thanks Tom for Beating the Game for Him)
1:33:45 Bully (Phil Fog's Final Thoughts)
They are only pictures people.