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Trademark Banter
0:03:29 20/20 "Cricket"
0:06:23 Dream Caste System
0:09:34 EA Apologizes for Frosbite Tweets Attacking Nintendo
0:10:33 EA Drops Support for Wii U
0:12:45 Persona 4 Coming to PS3 (Not Golden!)
0:13:23 Sony Survey Indicates Som Cross Platform Chat on the Way
This Just In, Final Impressions
0:13:56 David (North American Correspondent) on Metal Gear Solid: Two Hours
0:17:06 Better Than Max Payne 3?
0:19:04 Paying For Demos Not New to MGS
0:22:07 Not a Cash Grab
0:23:00 Seperate, But Not Equal
0:24:24 Radically Different Stealth
0:28:51 The Effect of Regenerating Health
0:30:01 Console Wars, News From the Front
Final Impressions
0:34:25 InFAMOUS: Second Son
0:45:32 Dark Souls II - Worst in the Series
First Impressions
0:46:00 3D Dot Game Heroes with Phil Fogg
Final Impressions
0:50:44 Broken Age
0:54:00 Social Commentary
1:09:00 What is a Double Fine Game?
1:10:00 Is Tim Burton-Lite Good Enough for Gamers?
And Now, Back to the News
1:11:00 Amy Hennig's Previous Output
1:13:00 Post-Modernism: Good or Bad?
1:20:20 Is Polish the Only Thing That Matters in Games?
1:22:30 Amazon's Garbage Pail Full of Puke
1:23:00 Post-Modern Phil Fogg