Game Under Podcast 82

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0:00:22 Order is Restored, Podcast Dude is Back

Trademark Banter
0:02:55 DS Styles May Change in 50 Years and Acrylic Chickens
0:05:42 Fogg's Bi-cultural Hardware Union
0:08:01 Fogg's Tales from the Game Store
0:16:42 Steam Sale Pick-ups and Thumbnail Impressions

Final Impressions with Score
0:22:26 Fogg examines the PS4 exclusive The Order: 1886

Trademark Banter
0:39:49 GOTY 2015 Discussion
0:48:51 Bioshock is No Longer Our New Overlord

Final Impressions with Score
0:53:01 Surprising Review of Yakuza 5

Trademark Banter
1:11:03 Oculus Rift - Is VR the new 3D, or a World Changer?

Final Impressions with Score
01:23:56 Grow Home
01:28:41 Ejaculatory Theme?

First Impressions
1:43:14 Octodad: The Dadliest Catch

Trademark Banter
1:46:36 Fogg's Hardware Problems and How He Resolved Them