Game Under Podcast 115

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0:00:08 PageUnder Podcast
0:00:34 Typhoid Mary Plagiarism

0:03:00 Tom's PC Build, Final Update
0:04:30 You say Bios, I say BIOS.
0:05:55 MSY and Consumer Law
0:09:08 Hot Hot Hot
0:23:41 First Impressions of Windows 10
0:29:30 What Games did Tom Install First (and ray Tracing)
0:37:33 Manuals and Gew Gaws
0:41:40 Epic Games Store First Impressions
0:47:46 Xbox Gamerpass First Impressions
0:53:33 Streaming Over Wifi

First Impressions - Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019)
0:59:57 Preamble/ PC Controllers/ Forza
1:08:05 Respawn
1:09:35 Throwing Shaders
1:10:25 The First Level, and Dick Cheney
1:17:50 Level Design
1:23:19 Guns

Final Impression
1:32:57 Neo Cab - Notes Left Out of the Review on

Sky's the Limit
1:39:00 That Game Company's MMORPG (Sky for iOS) Continues to Improve