Tom Towers Tries Reading, Yet Again

Books covered in this installment are:

The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
The Trial and Metamorphoses by Franz Kafka,

Which might not sound like much, but Tom manages to wring out of them all the blood that history has to offer. Luckily he self-censored much of this, so he could rant about censorship instead; brazenly suggesting that the FDA and school boards in America were/are motivated by the same prudery that inspired the Goskomizdat.

But to be fair to him, he’s got the foreword by a genuine Soviet citizen for a genuine Soviet book to back him up on this!

This installment of Tom Towers Reads will probably go down in history as the 21st Century’s Gulag Archipelago. Read it here.

Filonov was too proletarian for the proles, too individualistic for the committees, too emaciated to survive the siege.

Filonov was too proletarian for the proles, too individualistic for the committees, too emaciated to survive the siege.

Speaking of censorship, Tom failed to mention Neo-Brownie Blair Cottrell’s failure to win his hate speech appeal in 21st Century Free Speech because he forgot. He’s mentioning it now at least.

I assume people who worship Hitler (not like David Bowie for his performative genius, but for his politics) yet get offended by being called Neo-Nazis must be Neo-Brownies?

I think there’s a poem about what happened to the Sturmabteilung when the Nazis came to power…

First they came for the brown shirts,
And I said nothing, for I was not a brown shirt,
Etc. etc.

Let’s just pretend this is Justice, not Hope. Or is she blindfolded because out of frame there is a firing squad?

Let’s just pretend this is Justice, not Hope. Or is she blindfolded because out of frame there is a firing squad?